ACL Code of Conduct and Company Culture

This code of conduct defines the ethical standards and social commitment of our company. As a manufacturer of products used in medical settings, we are aware of our responsibility towards customers, patients, employees, suppliers, the environment, and society. Our ethical guidelines, along with the following points, serve as a framework for our company culture, our actions, and our decisions.

1. Ethical quidelines

Protection of Human Rights We support and respect the protection of international human rights within our sphere of influence. We ensure that we are not complicit in human rights violations.
Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining We respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
Abolition of Forced Labor We have a zero-tolerance policy towards forced labor within our company. We do not tolerate direct or indirect involvement in forced labor.
Abolition of Child Labor Children under the legal minimum age may not be employed. ACL does not tolerate any form of child labor. We are committed to complying with all applicable national and international laws and regulations for the protection of children in relation to labor.
Anti-Discrimination We are committed to ensuring that all individuals - including customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders - are treated fairly and respectfully. This commitment applies regardless of race, color, religion, nationality, gender, age, disability, or other distinguishing characteristics.
Combating Corruption and Illegal unlawful practices We stand against all types of illegal activities such as corruption, bribery, kickbacks, or extortion. We place the utmost importance on adhering to all standards regarding environmental laws, competition law, and international trade practices.
Enforcement and Sanctions Violations of these ethical guidelines will be thoroughly investigated and penalized consistently. Disciplinary actions may range from training and warnings to termination of employment or termination of business relationships. We are committed to fostering a culture of accountability and ethical behavior, ensuring that all employees and business partners understand and respect the importance of these principles.

2. Environmental Awareness and Conservation

We adhere to the precautionary principle in addressing environmental issues. We take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

Sustainable Production
We place great importance on a sustainable future and take our corporate responsibility seriously. Therefore, we implement measures that promote more sustainable business practices. Our commitment includes environmentally friendly production methods that minimize resource consumption and reduce waste.

Climate Protection
We promote the use of renewable energies.

Recycling and Waste Management
We encourage recycling and efficient waste management across all areas of our company.

3. Products and Innovation

Safety and Quality
Our products must adhere to the highest safety and quality standards. We commit to continuous investment in development to create innovative and effective products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

Patient Welfare and Customer Satisfaction
ACL GmbH strives for highest customer satisfaction by executing our tasks promptly and utilizing all available resources.

Patient Welfare, Protection, and Safety
The welfare of patients is central to our actions. We are committed to improving global access to life-saving medical products. ACL GmbH places great importance on protecting employees, customers, and all others who come into contact with the company or our products. These efforts include providing digital operation manuals and maintenance guides for qualified service personnel.

4. Community and Society

Social Engagement
We support social projects and nonprofit organizations that promote health and well-being.

5. Employee Engagement

Working Conditions
We ensure safe, healthy, and fair working conditions for all employees.

Respectful Treatment
We place great importance on maintaining an open and respectful work environment. Any form of unwanted or offensive behavior is not tolerated, including inappropriate comments (written or verbal), inappropriate physical contact, sexual advances, as well as other aggressive, intimidating, or unacceptable actions.

Training and Development
We ensure that only trained and qualified personnel are employed. Furthermore, we continuously invest in the training and development of our employees to support their career growth and ensure high knowledge transfer.

6. Suppliers and Business Partners

Ethical Procurement
We only collaborate with suppliers and business partners who share our ethical guidelines.

We promote transparency and integrity in all business relationships and expect the same from our partners.

It is important to us that all applicable national and international laws, regulations, standards, and directives are observed and implemented. This includes fulfilling all binding obligations and environmental regulations applicable to ACL. We also expect our partners to comply with legal obligations.

Whistleblower System
We provide an open and accessible mechanism for reporting violations of this code of conduct. Employees, business partners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to confidentially report concerns or complaints without fear of retaliation or reprisal. All reports are taken seriously and investigated promptly and thoroughly.

7. Compliance

Legal conformity
It is important to us that all applicable, nationally and internationally binding laws, directives, standards and regulations are observed and implemented. As well as the fulfillment of all binding obligations applicable to ACL and applicable environmental regulations. We also expect our partners to comply with their legal obligations.

8. Continuous Improvement

Feedback und Adjustment
We focus on preventive measures to avoid errors from occurring. In cases of non-conformities, corrective actions are implemented to prevent their recurrence.

Goal Setting and Review
We set clear objectives and regularly review our progress.

Management Systems
ACL is certified according to ISO standards 9001 and 13485. The regular implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) across all company departments is ensured by both employees and all representatives of the leadership, including management. Regular audits by designated bodies verify and confirm compliance with the requirements additionally.

All Certificates

9. Revision of the ACL Code of Conduct

This code of conduct is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it aligns with evolving legal requirements, industry best practices, and the highest ethical standards. Feedback from employees, business partners, and other stakeholders is taken into account during the revision process to ensure its relevance and effectiveness are maintained.